Sunday, September 27, 2020

Unmasked, Deeply In Love

 Well, today is actually Lily and Vergil's birthday and the big socially-distanced, outdoors party was postponed due to a constant steady rain but Lily and Jessie decided to throw caution to the winds and get the cousins together at Jessie's house to play and eat cupcakes. 
And there were presents for all the children, even the ones who don't have birthdays this month. 
Boppy was not exactly thrilled with this idea. We've been following every rule about distancing and masks and testing and, and, and...
But I wanted to take our presents over and see Lily on her birthday and see Owen, even though it was a day late, and when we got to the house, Glen reached for his mask and I didn't. 
"Are you going to wear a mask?" he asked me. 
I simply said, "No."

And he didn't either although he didn't hug or kiss. I snuck a few of those in though. I just can't not do it. I've broken. 

It was so lovely. So sweet. When I gave Levon his present he somberly handed it back and asked if I would unwrap it for him and so we did it together. I gave him a construction machinery alphabet book and we read it. We gave August a beautifully illustrated book of classic fairy tales and a heart lamp which he had wanted. We gave Owen a Lego kit he'd asked for. 

Owen was making a sort of whistling sound and Levon was studying him with great intensity. He wants to be a big boy so very, very much and Owen is a great teacher. 

Gibson wanted the same kind of pajamas that Owen was wearing and so that's what we got him. I do not understand the significance of these pajamas. They have something to do with "Zelda." I'm pretty sure that is not in reference to F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife so I'm clueless. He'd also gotten that sword which also had deep significance to him. Sorry he had his hood over his face. 

We gave Magnolia a Calico Critters house and some little Calico Critter mice to live in the house. This is the sort of thing that she will play with for hours and hours. Here's a beautiful picture of that girl that I took. 

I swear- she is from another century. Her beauty astounds me. 
And here is her beautiful mother, who I gave birth to thirty-five years ago today and her auntie too. 

Jessie wanted a picture of her sweet little family. 

Those boys are getting such long legs. Do they come from their long-legged daddy or their long-legged mama? I do not know but they have them. 

And then came the birthday cupcakes. 

And an enthusiastic if not completely on-key Happy Birthday song. 

And finally...this. 

Princess Colonel Sanders Magnolia June. 

We took our leave right after that and Gibson walked us out to the car carrying the bags I'd brought in one hand, his sword in the other. So gallant. I told him that he made me feel safe. 

Westbound traffic on the interstate was stopped for miles. There were two wrecks about a quarter of a mile apart, emergency vehicles everywhere, two ambulances heading to the hospital in Tallahassee going full speed with lights and sirens flashing, one car flipped over on its roof.
If I hadn't already felt the incredible weight of fortune already, I certainly would have felt it then. I was already thinking about how ridiculously random it was for me to meet Glen Moon and for us to fall in love and have Lily and Jessie and for those daughters to grow up and have these beautiful children that can fill a house, fill our hearts so completely. 
But here we are. 
And if all of that was random, then what do we call the fact that he and I are still in love and so acutely aware of our fortune every day? 

I don't know. 

It is still raining, coming down steadily as it has been all day. The chickens gave us ten eggs today. Thirty-five years ago right now I was holding my baby girl Lily in my arms and staring at her with wonder, her father right beside us, Hank and May already falling in love with their new sister, Jessie still an undreamed light, waiting to join us. 


Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I for one am so pleased Jessie threw caution a little far and moved her party indoors. Those are the safest bubbles to bring together on this special day.
    And thank you for the time and trouble to give us so many lovely pictures.
    And many happy birthdays to all the birthday people.

    1. Thank you, Joanne. I am glad too. Those daughters of mine gave me the courage.

  2. what a perfect day you all had! I'm so happy for all of you! Pics are lovely.......what a beautiful and loving family........ you are all so blessed and I know you all know it!
    Susan M

    1. We do. We all absolutely know that we are so lucky.

  3. I think it's great you all had your party. Of course caution is a good thing, normally, but I think some occasions demand to be celebrated. Happy birthday to everyone!

    1. I agree. And it's not like we had a political rally. Inside. Without masks. (Why is Trump still alive?)

  4. Your heart was clearly filled to the brim. Looks like a grand day.

    1. I kept thinking, "This is happening! This is really happening!" It was surreal and wonderful.

  5. Your heart was clearly filled to the brim. Looks like a grand day.

  6. Such a beautiful celebration, definitely worth throwing caution to the winds. Such bright faces, such love in every photo. Yes, you and Glen created this living center of goodness and belonging. Happy birthday September people! Fortune smiled and you two because it knew you would hold the magic sacred. You are all wrapped in love.

    1. You put things so absolutely beautifully. Thank you, darling woman. Just wait until you're in a room with your babies and grandbabies. The light will be visible from outer space!

  7. I gave up not hugging my daughter and grandgirls months ago. and I hugged one of my oldest and best friends long and tight the last time I saw him. we can only go so long.

  8. Zelda is kinda a Big Deal to Kids who enjoy high fantasy action adventure and video games! It's a Japanese Franchise and that's the scope of my own knowledge imparted by Grandkids. The stuff we come to know when we become Grandparents is hilarious sometimes. *winks* It looked like a Party that was enjoyed by all... so difficult to reach balance about how Careful to be or not be nowadays tho', isn't it?

    1. I remember when the kids were totally into Pokemon and Owen would go on and on and on about the different characters and although I tried, my mind just would not hold on to any of it. I think he finally gave up because I was so stupid. But he still loved me.
      And yes- finding the balance is very hard.

  9. Every single bit of this post gave me chills and sighs. So, so beautiful. And your writing and gratitude and recognition of all that is good and all that is troubling -- of life itself. Thank you, Mary Moon.

  10. What beautiful pictures - and you were so right to have a birthday party get-together!!! That's how your heart gets to sing isn't it!

    1. Absolutely! My heart hadn't been that full in ages.

  11. I've started hugging people again, not everyone but some and we're both wearing masks. I'm glad you were able to attend the party and it looks like a good time was had by all. Stay safe my friend.


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