I took this picture of Miss Robin yesterday when I was cleaning the nests in the hen house and did not post it because the light is so funky but it does show her beautiful feathers nicely. They look like a painting to me. She was waiting for the nest she wanted to lay her egg in which was occupied by another hen. There were four other nests she could have laid that egg in but no, she wanted that particular one and she was willing to wait. This is one chicken-habit I do not quite understand. I think it may have something to do with the fact that if a hen goes broody, she will sit on whatever eggs are in the nest and so they all tend to lay in the same nests as an economy measure and a way to pass on genes without doing the actual work.
When I watered the front porch plants last week I noticed that the two big ferns beside the front door had been torn up and flattened out as roosters sometimes do to encourage the ladies to lay in their pots. There were no eggs in them but when I watered yesterday I found half a dozen in one of the pots, mostly the blue green ones that I am pretty sure Pinto is laying. Clever chickens! Although why they feel the need to hide their eggs if no one is brooding, I do not know.
I do not know why I do half the things I do, either, so I'm not too worried about the mystery.
Look what showed up today!
My Saucony's, all the way back from San Francisco! Of course now I have a moral dilemma. If indeed my account was refunded by the nice Saucony lady, do I call them back and tell them that they have arrived? Yes. Of course I have to. It's not their fault that the USPS sent the shoes on a month-long journey.
The good news is that they feel fine and fit well and now I have the new shoes I need. And by the way- I do not walk in a dress. That's just what I was wearing today when I tried them on. See the weird things on my left sock? Those are two types of stickers that clung to them as I walked through some underbrush yesterday. The green ones we call "begger's lice" (which is a highly un-PC name, I suppose) and the other is called Spanish Needle. It's a plant that looks like innocent, pretty little daisies and after you brush up against it, you'll be picking those nasty little needles off your clothes forever.
And that's your naturalist lesson for the day.
We've got the air conditioner back on. It's so humid although it's not terribly hot. By the middle of next week though, it's supposed to get much cooler with temperatures down into the fifties at night, highs in the seventies during the day.
I'll believe that when I see it.
Meanwhile, thank John Gorry for AC and being able to sleep comfortably and peacefully on cool, crisp, dry sheets.
It rained on and off all day long and we have postponed the birthday party until Sunday which is not ideal in all ways but it wouldn't have worked today because of the rain. Mr. Moon needs to build us a giant Covid shelter- a covered outdoor area where we can gather safely no matter the weather. I'll bring that up tonight after he's had a martini.
Or maybe I won't. He spent all day in town getting things done and he's not in the best of moods. Mostly he's just exhausted and disgusted with the government and the assholes who don't wear masks or if they do, don't wear them properly. He has every right to be disgusted.
And speaking of disgusting- Florida's governor has just proclaimed that restaurants and bars will now be opening up at full capacity despite the fact that our numbers are deplorable.
Fucking murderer.
I hope that this will make my husband feel better:
A luscious lemon meringue pie with graham cracker crust.
I see that Trump is going to nominate a woman who opposes reproductive AND LGBTQ rights to the Supreme Court.
For Satan.
But in a more cheerful note- have you seen any of the videos of Trump and his Mrs. being booed as they stood in attendance by the casket of Ruth Bader Ginsburg? And then the crowd started chanting, "Vote him out! Vote him out!"
It won't help a damn thing and it won't affect Trump's views on anything and will probably only make him more determined, churlish, and mulish but god, it was a beautiful sight. I'd feel sorry for his wife but I just can't.
I have an icy martini at hand and I'll make a salad soon to go with the leftover chicken and spinach and rice I made a few nights ago. We'll watch another episode of Ratched which I do not recommend, either highly or otherwise, but it is vaguely entertaining and it is certainly eye-candy. I have wrapped up the birthday and non-birthday presents and this year I even remembered to get cards for everyone. Eventually it will be time to get in bed and there are clean sheets to look forward to as well as the book I am reading right now, The Letters of E.B. White, which I have owned for years and am finally getting around to. I am enjoying it.
This is my life. Some of it is so weird and odder than I ever could have expected and part of it is sweeter than I ever knew life could be. Let us just say that this is not at all what I expected.
Happy Friday, y'all.
Love...Ms. Moon
An outdoor open sided shelter sounds like something every family with a yard will now need to have. Maybe just an open sided tent that you can buy? I can’t wait for the birthday party pictures!
ReplyDeleteI think we'd need one of those wedding tents to really have enough space for everyone to be far enough apart. Or we could all have open-sided tents and it would be like a festival or something. Ha!
DeleteI wish I had some private yard to go out into...Have a sweet night.
ReplyDeleteI think so often of how lucky we are with our yard and garden, trees and woods and porches and how hard it must be for people who don't have that. I don't know if I'd survive during these days.
DeleteMiss Robin is indeed lovely...chickens...who can figure out their habits? Not me. That pie would win MY heart, Mr the crystal vase your roses are in remind me of one of the few things I gleaned from Mom and Dads house when we sold it......hers doesn't have the round base, but it sits without base..... looks almost a replica to yours and every time I fill it with flowers I think of her. Your Saucony's are a twin to one of the 3 pairs I bought.....yippee! Happy feet! And it IS Friday....martini day.....and wine time for me. I won't even *go* to the possible SC justice nominee........cannot go there tonite. Sweet sleep in your clean sheets! I envy your 50's or 70's........we are 90's yet again..... not a happy camper here
ReplyDeleteSusan M
I don't even remember where I got that little vase. Some thrift store, I'm sure. I do love it. How sweet to know you have one like it!
DeleteAnd we have twin Saucony's! Hurray!
Temperatures are supposed to start dropping a bit in two days. I can't wait. I wish the same for you, soon.
I LOVE EB White. My favorite book ever is "One Man's Meat" Try it, you'll love it. Found it at the Habitat store. Quite a few of my "best books ever" were unknown to me and found at the Habitat store. Enjoy tat martini
ReplyDeleteThat is a fantastic book -- I agree!
DeleteI'm sure I got The Letters book from a thrift store of some sort because it's used. I am enjoying it and will look for more White when I'm done. The martini was thoroughly enjoyed!
DeleteSteve- nothing better than reading the letters of authors. Have you ever read the book of author letters to the publisher Max Perkins? It is so good.
A blogger has posted Senator Klobachar berating the senate for terrible behavior in the nomination of RBG's replacement, and punctuating her remarks with "And the people are voting right now!" People booing the president. "And the people are voting right now!" And so on and so on.
ReplyDeleteI wish she had been the nominee and not Joe Biden.
DeleteI watched the video, Joanne. She's amazing. And yes, YP, she would make a fantastic president. Maybe someday...
DeleteWe can hope.
We've been watching an episode of Ratched here and there and I feel exactly like you do about it. It's just distraction. I loved the clips of people booing Trump and don't blame them one bit for being outraged that he dared to show his face. And that nominee he picked has those Michele Bachman crazy eyes.
ReplyDeleteOh god. You are right about the Michele Bachman crazy eyes. The eyes of a woman who thinks that her god has chosen her.
DeleteYeah. Ratched is a distraction. I'll be glad when we're done with it although I see that there's another season planned. Ugh.
Miss Robin does indeed have some beautiful feathers. I'm so happy for you that your shoes arrived! That pie you made would make anyone happy. You sure are a good cook. I loved the booing of Trump so much I kept replaying it!
ReplyDeleteI did not get a chance to comment on your yesterday's post about the South so I wanted to tonight as it was important to me. I grew up in the South and I understand exactly what you were describing. You did a wonderful job of respectfully describing the way parts of the South are past and present. I grew up poor but there were plenty much more poor than us. I loved and respected them for they had a special strength and held tight to their ways and traditions. Many had wonderful characteristics that would never come with money. Thank you for giving the respect and kindness so many people need.
Thank YOU for the kind words about my post yesterday. YOU know. And you are exactly right- I call those characteristics "grace" and that surely does not come with money.
DeleteHo-ho! The reference to John Gorrie caught my eye. He is of course very much associated with Apalachicola where there's a square and a bridge named after him. Further research tells me that there's also a dog park named after him in Jacksonville! That's true fame when you have a dog park named after you. I wonder what they will use Trump's name for in the future - perhaps The Donald J. Trump Crematorium.
ReplyDeleteI've told you that I like to put an ice cube on Gorrie's grave. And I thank him kindly. I don't know if I was aware of the dog park. That's a little...sad.
DeleteI would say that the best thing to name for Trump would be a facility for the criminally insane but that would be an insult to those housed within it.
I wonder if one of those craft show tents, open on all sides but with a roof, would work for you? Not sure about wind, if that's an issue where you live.
ReplyDelete"This is not at all what I expected" wonderful. I think I want it as my gravestone motto.
I just looked up John Gorrie. I didn't know about him, and I'm glad you mentioned him. Interesting man, and a great thinker.
DeleteI don't think one of those tents would be big enough for all of us. We number 15 at the very least. We need a yard full of them!
DeleteJohn Gorrie was a busy, intelligent man. I wish I'd known him.
I am glad you posted that first pic of Miss Robin. As soon as I saw it I loved it. And the rest of them too actually. I hope that martini and dinner and sleep on clean sheets were all as good as they sounded like they would be.
ReplyDeleteEverything was very nice last night.
DeleteIsn't Miss Robin a pretty thing? Such soft gray feathers.
Miss Robin is a lovely girl. and maybe I should try those Saucony shoes except I hate to buy shoes online since size varies with make and I've never even seen those much less tried on a pair. same with clothes. if they don't fit or I don't like it then I have to send them back.
ReplyDeletebeen cool here too in the mornings but it's warming up and yeah supposed to get down to the 50s next week!
You're right about buying things online to wear. It's always a crap shoot. But I've been wearing Saucony's for almost forty years now so I know that I need a size larger than I usually take. They have narrower heels which is great for me. I never get a blister from them because the heel isn't always sliding up and down. They're the shoes that fit me best.
DeleteCan't wait for our cooler temperatures!
that chick photo is fabulous, I will try to put that in my covid Sarah book but it will not be a fraction of grand!
ReplyDeleteI will say that that pie made ME feel better! Bless Boppy, he is such a worker bee.
I hope that your shoes work well, no breaking in period. just slip into them and scoot!
That's the way Saucony's are for me- no breaking in period necessary.
DeleteI can't wait to see your painting of Miss Robin. I need to take a picture of her unbelievably soft, soft fuzzy behind.
An icy martini. THAT sounds really good. I haven't had a martini in ages.
ReplyDeleteI love your chicken photo! All your chickens are so noble and dignified-looking.
As for Trump, I did hear that he was harassed at the Ginsburg viewing and I was quite happy about that. I feel slightly sorry for Melania, but heck, she married him -- and she hasn't shown signs of being a role model herself.
Beautiful pie!
Well you need to MAKE a martini, boy!
DeleteChickens can be noble AND goofy. I love that about them.
I used to feel somewhat sorry for Melania but I'm over it. Not only did she marry him, she has stayed with him. Supposedly willingly. I can't help but wonder how much money he's promised her. I hope she has a good lawyer.
Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and they'll tell you to keep those shoes as a good will gesture (Amazon are very good like that). And that lemon meringue pie looks wonderful. While I'm quite happy living alone I do miss having someone to cook for. Oh and I saw Trump getting booed - I was kinda hoping he'd blow a gasket right there and then - maybe next time!
ReplyDeleteI don't think the refund ever got made so it's all good!
DeleteI don't know what I'd do without someone to cook for. Sometimes I just want to cook for cooking's sake.
I wonder what Trump's BP was after that booing incident. Not high enough, obviously.
That is a beautiful hen.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'll tell her you said so.