Saturday, December 8, 2007

No Wonder

I woke up in such a funk.
Twenty-seven years ago.
Bless his heart.
I miss him still.


  1. 27 years have gone by in a flash. I still remember where I was - standing in my kitchen, in my crummy, roach infested rental house in the tropics, when I heard the news on the radio. My daughter was a baby - now she has babies of her own. 27 years the world has been without him...what an incredible loss...

  2. Yeah, that was such a defining moment in my life. How could it be? I didn't believe the news.
    He was something, wasn't he?

  3. So was he like, bigger than Justin Timberlake is today or what?

  4. Something like that.
    Juancho, mi nino, if I didn't love you so much I'd kick your ass.
    (Us Lennonites are all about peace and nonviolence you know.)

  5. Too young to remember this but my mom told me all about it. Unfortunately, mankind has not learned too much about war in the past 27 years except they can't get enough of it.

  6. Your mom and I were the lucky ones- we had John Lennon alive and funny and brave and crazy and loud when we were growing up.
    But you're right- mankind really seems to want to wage war and for some damn reason, the people who want to wage it most seem to be the ones who we keep electing to be our "deciders."
    An eternal mystery to me. Why would we choose war over peace? Why do we choose warmongers over peace-makers?

  7. I remember my dad's sadness and grief. I remember him explaining the details to me through stunned eyes. I remember wondering how that could have happen and what that meant for my own safety, for society's future. Were there really such crazy people out there? Was it a government conspiracy as my dad suggested? How could that have happened again, to such another great person.

  8. The night before I had been to a party. Me and my mates (who were running the party) got a bit drunk and decided to shut the doors and turn everyone away.

    So I went home and listened late at night to a live interview with John Lennon, from New York

    I woke up the next morning and nearly fell over with shock to hear that he'd been murdered.

    Then I went to Paris with a friend and can clearly remember the fall-out of it all.

  9. Yeah, John Lennon was of such vast importance to the world (and I don't feel silly saying that, either) that his death is one of those events that every one remembers exactly what they were doing and where they were when they heard about it.
    I certainly do.
    I really appreciate the fact that you commented on this long-ago post.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.