Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Evening Time

No sign of the chickens except for one pile of feathers that looks like an air attack- hawk, owl?
Perhaps the rest of them freaked and ran off into the woods.
They come, they go.
You can't give your heart to a chicken and not expect it to get broken.

Beyond that, I don't feel much like talking about anything. I'm trying to remember to be compassionate. I am trying to remember that all humans, myself most definitely included, are flawed. I am not a Buddhist and I don't even try to be one but I am trying to remember that compassion is something I would wish for myself and so I too, must try to be compassionate.

I'm not doing very good at it.

It's threatening to storm again. So strange how this is the wettest summer here in forever and so dry everywhere else.

Well, you take what you get and you do the best with it you can, I suppose. You remember to be grateful for the blessings you receive.

Let it be.


  1. OMG. I will have to catch up on posts. I am behind. I am so sorry about the chickens!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear they're missing. Damn chickens. The first chickens I gave my heart to were killed by my puppy. Fourteen years later that dog still runs out of a room when I cry. I beat the crap out of that poor adolescent dog with a shoe after finding my entire flock ripped to shreds. Little Olivia, a banty, would perch on my shoulder and cluck in my ear while I gardened. Gah. I feel bad about my dog, now. I was twelve and grief-stricken. Poor chickens. Poor dog. Poor twelve-year-old girl.

  3. One of the reasons I did not get chickens this year is I know I am going to treat them like pets. If I lose one I will probably get all depressed and end up having chicken funerals.

  4. You are right. You can't give your heart to a chicken unless you keep it caged. I can't imagine a hawk got them all. One would have been enough and unlike humans, they only eat what they need. Cant really begrudge it its meal either. I'd hate to think it was a bear though.

  5. Just when it seemed the chickens were pretty much grown. Hope some return.
    It's been pretty wet here in Atlanta this summer too.

  6. As I share your joy, so do I share your sorrow.xx

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about the chickens. Terrible.

  8. I hope that they come back. I saw two roosters today at a bakery. Someone dropped them off and they are being fed by the baker. She asked me if I wanted them. One reminds me of Elvis and the other is a gorgeous black with green and orange feathers on the side. How would I catch them though? They are skittish.

  9. Shit. We only have two chickens. We had four, now two. That's the way of it. Chickens come, they go. I hope they show up.

    Damn dumb birds.

  10. I'm just catching up here -- what a bummer about the chickens! Especially losing so many all at once. Yeesh. Sorry about that.

    Those banana spiders still creep me out.

  11. I feel so bad about the first chickens I've ever heard of anyone having that you might not have anymore. Sweet Jo

  12. Damn it! I don't want any more chickens to die. I'm still not over Miss Betty. Frickin' A. I guess it's nature and the hawk or bear or whatever has to eat. But jeez', those teenagers had names.

  13. That's just terrible about your chickens. I agree with Liv. You made us feel very close to them and now we feel their loss.

    Take care, Georgie


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