Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It's Russell's birthday today and I remember when he was born forty-five years ago and I was thirteen, as I said before, and was babysitting his baby brother Chuck and my brother White, who is only two-and-a-half years younger than I and it was in the afternoon and voila! we had another red-headed baby boy in the family and that was joy.

The babies were always the joy. Even if nothing much else was even barely tolerable in that house where I was raised, the babies- ah- they were joy.


And I'm off today to town to babysit for Owen whose mother told me that on Sunday night when he threw a fit and wanted to come to Lloyd to spend the night and who said he WOULD NOT SLEEP IN HIS HOUSE, WOULD NOT SLEEP IN HIS BED, that when they would not bring him he stated that he would get a map and WALK to Lloyd.

Oh, that very idea makes me want to laugh and cry, that tiny big boy in his diaper, walking to Lloyd with a map in his hand and perhaps his doggie flashlight, open and barking, lighting his way.

Last night I went to put on my moisturizing cream and found two little-finger swipes through it. He had used some to put on a bug bite and instead of being annoyed that he had been in my stuff, I thought to myself that I would probably just avoid that part of the thick, white cream in order to preserve those tracks made by his fingers.


So it goes and I am a mother, a big sister, a grandmother. I have tended many babies. I have loved them all and I will never got my fill of them, their weight on my shoulders, the way their firm cheeks feel under my lips, their little-man chuckles, their baby conversations, their smiles, their growing and learning and sleeping and them. Just them. All of them.

They have saved my life, each and every one of them, over and over and over again.



  1. Mary, you are the soul of a mother. It why just being around you makes me feel deep down that everything will be okay.

  2. You said it mama. I didn't have the words, but yours are here just right.
    I'm going off to baby sit today too.

  3. What a soulful love letter this is.

  4. Yesterday morning I got to sit with a 6 month old and a 2 year old for quite a few hours. It was wonderful.
    When I was leaving the 2 year old waved and said "I wub you!!!" at the top of his lungs.

    That eased my soul, as later in the day I was going to the memorial service for a 19 year old grandson of my brother, dead of a heroin overdose.

    And the circle continues...

  5. Thank you for the beautiful post and the photo of pure beauty. The hands alone are perfect.

  6. Tender little post, loved it.
    Mel is right, Gibson's hands are perfection - beautiful photo.

    Such a sweet little thing, his two finger prints in the cream. I can totally identify with your leaving them there - I would too :)

    Have a great day, you've already made mine better for your lovely words.

  7. BTW-your rooster is SO handsome.

    Owen walking to LLoyd. Hell, I'd join him. Although 3000 miles is pretty far.

    XXX Beth

  8. Ditto what Angela said. You are like an earth mother extraordinaire. This was a beautiful post and your family is lucky to have you. S. Jo

  9. I love how much you love babies. And you write so well about them, conjuring the exact things about them that make those of us who know, remember.

  10. I love the things people leave behind - even little people - the prints in your cream. We leave pieces everywhere.

  11. I can see in my mind Owen walking to visit you with his dog barking flashlight. Such a cute image.

  12. It's like a scene from a movie--Owen with his flashlight.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.