Thursday, June 19, 2008

And The Horse You Were Hauling, Too

So this morning on my walk, I was at the part where I've been seeing the bear tracks but was bravely striding on, determined to work through my unreasonable bear-seeing anxiety when a truck pulling a horse-trailer came up the dirt road behind me.

I stepped aside so the truck could get by me and the woman driving stopped.

"Hey!" she said from the comfort of her air-conditioned truck with her cell phone to her ear. "You need a ride or are you just trying to get skinny?"

You know. I think I would have rather seen a bear.


  1. Thats funny. My brain would have locked up trying to think of the perfect obscenity. A simple hand gesture would been the easiest bet.

  2. All I did was shake my head and wave her off.

  3. #$%^&!*!!
    Some people have a lot of nerve!

  4. Aah well. She was probably just trying to be nice.
    And funny.
    And I'm still laughing. Haha. See?

  5. This happens to me all the time. I don't understand how someone walking abnormally fast in athletic apparel and sneakers could look like someone who needs a ride. Do I need a ride? No. Do you need a brain? Maybe, but too bad, I don't have an extra.

  6. The indignities we suffer are infinite.

  7. May- I would bet that most of the people who ask you if you need a ride are fellas.
    They're just hoping...

    Juancho- truer words were never spoken.

  8. I would have found something to throw at her.

  9. Ok, I wouldn't have taken that to mean she was calling me fat. Skinny just means skinnier! And nice to be offered a ride.

    Have you really got BEARS? I remember Gentle Ben, I suppose.

    My friend told me her sister livesin a town with a ring road around it, where all the ladies do their walking.

    Apparently it's known locally as 'Fat Arse Boulevard'.

    Now that's insulting :D

  10. Fat Arse Boulevard. Now that's great! And yes, we do really have bears. Florida brown bears. And although there has never been an attack on a human in history (that I know of) we're still intimidated by the beasts.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.