Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Let's Get Serious

I'd like to discuss politics now.

Not in depth, you understand, but just some general thoughts I've had about the subject, seeing how it's the year we get to pick our new president. Are you as excited as I am about this prospect?

So what I've been wondering is What Kind Of A Crazy Person Would Want To Be President At This Point In History?

I mean, really. Bush has fucked up things so badly that it seems to me it's going to take at least four years just to get things vaguely back on track. Where's the fun or glory in that? Are there really people who have such a desperate need to perform public service that they're willing to spend millions and millions of dollars and all their time and energy to get elected to a job that they're completely bound to fail at?

And what kind of an egomaniac does it take to believe that straightening out the country is even within the realm of their capabilities?

The economy is now in world-wide panic mode, we're still in Iraq, the middle east is, as always, threatening to blow, we've forgotten all about our constitution, our schools suck, our bridges are falling down, our highways are crumbling, our health-care system is a joke unless you're rich, our reputation in the world is pathetic, we're torturing people in secret prisons and not-so-secret prisons, we're limiting basic human rights in our own country while threatening other countries with war because they're not protecting theirs, the entire planet is on the verge of major catastrophe due to global warming, we're in hock to our eyeballs to China and the countries that supply us with our lifeblood-oil, and people who believe that their Imaginary Friend created the universe in seven Earth-days are fighting to get science out of the classroom.

Barack- you ready to take that on?
Hillary- you want the job?
Huckabee- you think you the man?


So as I see it, anyone who wants to be president has go to be a little bit insane. At the very least.
And beyond that, I'm not believing a word I hear fall from any candidate's mouth. I've gotten to the point where I'm so cynical about the whole thing that I believe everything they say is the result of some focus group study and if I hear the word "change" one more time I'm going to puke.

I'm not saying that all the candidates are big liars, just up there parroting the words they think people want to say but...
Oh wait a minute. Yes. I am.

This is not to say that I wouldn't much rather see Hillary, Barack or John in the White House than Rudy, Mitt or Mike. Please. Don't even say the word Republican to me.

BUT, at this point in time, I'm ready to have a system for electing the president that involves a Oija Board or a telephone book. We're spending crazy money and we're all acting like monkeys, listening to these people make promises that we all know damn well they can't keep.

It's just not working for me.

Is it working for you?


  1. Pretty well sums it up, don't it? As a country, I feel like we're in our terrible twos.

  2. I just discovered Very interesting site! Take a short quiz and it shows you which candidates are most similar to your views of the issues, why and why not. Of course, it can't really address the intangible qualities of the candidates but it makes for a great starting point to see who fits your needs for the bossman and it's a centeral spot to research the lot of them.

    Spend three minutes and take the quiz!

  3. I believe Barack Obama is the real deal, a leader called to, rather than seeking power.

  4. According to the glass booth I'm a Mike Gravel man.

  5. DTG- I think we're maybe in the teenaged years. More dangerous and dripping with toxic hormones than a two-year old. Although, as I've always said- the two stages have a lot in common.

    Aucilla and Juancho- I would have sworn that I, too, was a Mike Gravel gal but glassbooth says I'm a Kucinich supporter. Of course, we'll never get to cast a vote for either of those.
    And maybe Barack IS the real deal but I swear, the longer they campaign, the less the call is remembered and the more the power becomes important.
    That's what I think. Those campaigns can't help but chip away whatever fineness and true purpose is there to begin with.

  6. I was (am) leaning Obama and according to glassbooth I'm also a Gravel guy, but only by a hair over Obama.

  7. Every time Gravel opens his mouth I just go, "Whoa! Exactly!"


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.