Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And To Balance Things Out Here In The Universe

Sorry. I saw this on Facebook and stole it and am presenting it here for your pleasure and perhaps to explain why I curse so fucking much and to demonstrate that Facebook only sucks 99.9 % of the time.


  1. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck. I love you.

    Love, fuckin daddyb

  2. DaddyB- I love your fucking guts to fucking pieces!

  3. Fuck you all. I try so hard not to curse--it kind of comes naturally to me you see--because I don't want to offend all my good Christian neighbors who will talk about me like I am a piece of shit if I do. :)

  4. Happy fucking Tuesday to you Ms. Moon! Love it and love you too!

    To Rubye Jack: as my dearly departed grandma would say; "Fuck the neighbors!"

    Can I add that I'm fucking sick and tired of these huge word verifications. :)

  5. Thank you for the best laugh I've had in weeks. I fucking love you!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. fucking awesome. Thank you.
    sent from the fucking library where no fucking is allowed.

  8. All of you- We need to fucking say FUCK and COCKSUCKER and MOTHERFUCKER far more often than we do. We obviously want to. And Bethany- What? You're not allowed to fuck in the library? Are you fucking kidding me?

  9. Ahahahah. I know someone who really did fuck in a library :)

    I said fuck in a church once, during my wedding rehearsal... loudly.

    I wonder if that's why my marriage was cursed!

  10. As mawmaw would say, "I'm fucking this chicken, yall just hold the wings." Mary, you are fucking this blog chicken and I will gladly hold the wings. Is this weird because you have actual chickens?
    Love, daddyb

  11. Daddy B- Wait! I thought it was your mama who said that! It was Maw-Maw who said it first?
    I love her more than ever.
    And you, too.
    Hell no, it's not weirder because I have actual chickens. There are chickens and there are metaphorical chickens. Elvis fucks the chickens, we fuck the metaphorical ones.
    Hold the wings.

  12. Don't you know, sweet mm, that all of me and Mama's wisdom comes from mawmaw? And on that note, for future reference you can tell people to kiss your ass. Not on the left, and not on the right, but right in the middle where it draws up like a 'baccer sack."
    Love, daddyb

  13. Daddy B- You know, mostly people are so sweet to me that I don't have to tell them to kiss my ass. But if they do, I sure do now know what to tell them. No wonder you are the person you are.
    "Where it draws up like a 'baccer sack.'"

  14. Yes, a baccer sack. I'm a veritable wealth of mawmaw quotes. Just tell me the situation and I will give you an appropriate response.
    Love, daddyb

  15. Isn't that D'Artagnon from the Three Musketeers? He might say 'Merde' instead of fuck --

  16. Fuck Facebook and all the horses it rode in on.

  17. Syd- You're right, Eggplant Boy! (You know I'm never going to let this go, right?)

  18. Are you on reddit yet? I have it on my iPhone, and I only check the "top featured" and "funny" stuff, but I reckon you'd like it. I saw that picture on there a couple of days ago.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.